EMPLOYERS TOGETHER FOR INTEGRATION! Save the date and register to the 3rd Webinar of the LIME project on the 5th of May 2021!
The LIME project will host on the 5th of May from 15h00 to 16h30 CEST its webinar “Employers Together for Integration – Concrete examples of employers who stood up for migrants’ labour inclusion”.
This webinar is based on the EU initiative “Employers Together for Integration”. This initiative was launched by the EU Commission in May 2017 and aims to give visibility to what employers are doing to support the integration of refugees and migrants into the labour market.
Indeed, mirants’ inclusion is a daily challenge that we need to tackle, and helping them find a job is an important step to do so. The successful inclusion of migrants and refugees in the labour market represents an opportunity for them as well as for our societies!
The webinar is therefore conceived to present employers’ good practices dedicated to support the inclusion of migrants in the labour market, such as job contracts, internships, apprenticeships, etc. A wide range of actors will be invited to talk and discuss the topic: enterprises, association of enterprises, network of association, public entities, LAs, NGOs, employers, trade unions.
In the end, the good practices presented will be published in a report to share this precious knowledge with a broader audience!
Do not miss it and register HERE!
You can also already take note of the other events of the LIME project:
- 3rd Capacity Building Workshop 19th of May: MIGRANTS’ LABOUR INCLUSION: ACTIVATION OF NETWORK AND CLUSTER (registration open);
- International Workshop 9th June;
- Final conference of the LIME project 21st June.
Subscribe to the LIME newsletter and follow us on our website and social media (@LIMEproject2019) to be always updated and join the Community of Interest!