OPEN CALL – Employers Together for Integration
The LIME project will organise on the 5th of May a webinar on the EU initiative “Employers Together for Integration”. This initiative was launched by the EU Commission in May 2017 at the occasion of the second meeting for the European Dialogue on Skills and Migration. The aim is to give visibility to what employers are doing to support the integration of refugees and migrants into the labour market.
Therefore, this webinar is conceived to present good practices implemented by employers and dedicated to support the inclusion of migrants in the labour market. These good practices will be selected between beforehand by the partners of LIME.
In order to gather and to select these good practices for migrants’ labour inclusion, the LIME project has launched an open call to collect them until the 23rd of April 2021.
The employers who will be selected will have the opportunity to present their good practices during the webinar “Employers Together for Integration” on the 5th of May, as well as to see them being published in a report.
How to submit ?
- The submission period is from 1st of April to 23rd April.
- All the proposals have to be submitted by filling the form accessible through this LINK
- To participate in the call, you can send the submission form fulfilled to and
- The deadline to submit the proposals is 23rd April.
Have a look at the leaflet!
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