The 2nd online Capacity Building Workshop – Spanish Case Study

23 April 2021

The 2nd online Capacity Building Workshop – Spanish Case Study

On the 21st of April, the LIME project held its 2nd online Capacity Building Workshop “Migrants Labour Inclusion: Activation of Network and Cluster” to discuss the integration of young migrants into the labour market, focusing on the Spanish case this time. 

After the success of the 1st capacity building workshop on the French case study, the 2nd webinar was held on the 21st of April and focused on the case of Spain; and what are the existing networks of actors in the field of labour integration, the structural needs and obstacles, the policies adopted to facilitate the match between labour demand/supply and the labour market, and much more!

During the first part of the webinar, members of CIES Onlus introduced the LIME project as well as the needs and interventions to be addressed regarding migrant’s labour inclusion. The LUMSA University also explained the Migrants’ Economic Integration Cluster (MEIC) methodology promoted by the LIME project with the aim to spread it at a European level ; and facilitated a great discussion about the need, the gaps, the good practices, the type of partnerships needed, etc., regarding the integration of young migrants into the labour market. 

There were also many experts from both Spain and Italy who shared their prowess and their experiences and interventions about migrants’ labour inclusion. The diversity of speakers was truly enriching: expert in labour inclusion, job counsellor, project managers, thematic expert on labour european VET, etc.

We thank the participants and the speakers for having made this workshop such an interesting moment! You can already take notes of the following ones: Webinar Initiative “Employers together for Integration” 5 May (registration HERE);  Italian Case Study 19 May (registration HERE); International Workshop 9 June – workshop; Bruxelles 21 June – Final Conference.


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