The LIME Project and the Migrant Economic Integration Cluster
Rome, 25 September at 16.00
Youth Center and School of Art Matemù
Via Vittorio Amedeo II, 14 Rome
On September 25th the event “The LIME project and the “Migrant Economic Integration Cluster” will take place in Rome as part of the LIME – Labour Integration for Migrants Employment project of CIES Onlus, financed by the AMIF fund of the European Commission. The LIME Project involves 7 partners from Italy and Spain: Cies Onlus, ALDA (Association of Local Democracy Agencies), Confcooperative Roma, LUMSA University, Cnos-Fap Regione Lazio – Federazione centro nazionale salesiane formazione aggiornamento professionale, Asociación Guaraní, Pinardi, Federación de Plataformas Sociales Salesianas.
The two-year project aims to promote the social and labour integration of young people from third countries (ages 18-29) in the labour market in Italy and Spain in particular in the cities of #Roma and #Madrid through the application of the innovative methodology “Migrants’ Economic Integration Cluster- MEIC” based on the creation of a multi-stakeholder partnership that includes public and private actors.
The Cluster will be engaged in the definition and implementation of a long-term strategy dedicated to the strengthening of existing labour market integration policies and tools in the territories of reference, adapting them to the needs of the project target, young migrants.
During the event, the manifesto will be signed, through which the actors involved in the Cluster group of the territory of Rome will commit themselves to implement synergistic actions aimed at promoting the social and economic inclusion of migrants.
Will attend the event:
Elisabetta Bianca Melandri – President of CIES onlus
Anna Saluzzi and Martina Ruggiero – Introduction to the LIME project – Labour Integration for Migrants Employement
Margherita Valori and Monica D’Angelo – Methodologies and approach to the social and labour insertion of migrants
Folco Cimagalli, Filippo Giordano, Cristiana di Pietro – The “Migrants’ Economic Integration Cluster”: an operational definition
Coffee break
Cies Onlus and Università Lumsa – Presentation of the Manifesto
For information:
Cies Onlus – Via Merulana 198, 00185