The Second Coordination Meeting – The LIME Partner in Rome!
The Seven partners of the LIME project (Labour Integration for Migrants Employment) from Italy, France and Spain met in Rome on 24 and 25 February for the Second Coordination Meeting to examine and discuss together the results achieved so far and the planning of future activities.
During the first day of the meeting in Rome, Cies Onlus presented the progress and results obtained in the realization of the first year of the project, exposing the criticisms encountered and strengths.
On the second day, participants were divided into two groups: researchers and project managers from LUMSA, CIES and Pinardi analyzed the progress of cluster networks in Italy and Spain, while financial and administrative managers discussed the progress of the project budget and the planning of future expenses in view of the organization of the Capacity Building Workshops planned at the end of the project.
Finally, the meeting ended with the illustration of the action plan for the next phases of the project and the conclusion of the two pilot actions in Italy and Spain. All partners then went back to work to carry out the following actions for the LIME project:
- Workshops for business start up and support to start ups
- Courses on safety at work, haccp and professionalized workshops
- Conclusion and implementation of L2 professionalizanti
- Implementation and conclusion of the last Pilot Groups in Spain
- Programming and implementation of Capacity Building Workshop and final conference
- The last coordination meeting will be held in Madrid in September 2020!
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