Newsletter #2

LIME Newsletter
Issue #2 - January 2020

Dear readers,

Welcome to the second e-newsletter of the LIME (Labour Integration for Migrants' Employment) project. The intensive work of the LIME project partners continues to create social and labour inclusion opportunities for third country nationals.

Discover the activities and the latest news!

Enjoy your reading,
The LIME consortium

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the future”
This sentence by C. S. Lewis expresses the essence of our LIME project which sees the collaboration of a varied group of motivated and experienced Italian, Spanish and French partners.
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What are the next steps?

The LIME project team has been working hard during these months to achieve important results: workshops, meetings with citizens, seminars, training sessions... but what are the next events?

After the start of the first training courses and the first coordination meeting held in Madrid in October 2019, the consortium is preparing for the next important steps. As a matter of fact, next year, in parallel to the continuation of the language courses and job placement oriented pathways, the partners will be engaged in 3 capacity building workshops that will be organized in Italy, Spain and France with the aim of presenting the MEIC methodology (Migrants' Economic Integration Cluster) to the stakeholders active on the national territory in the field of labour inclusion.

The LIME's world

In this section, you will have the chance to know more about the partners of the LIME project. Let's start with the CIES Onlus

What's CIES?

CIES Onlus - Centro Informazione e Educazione allo Sviluppo is an Italian non-governmental organization founded in 1983 with a long experience in the management of co-development projects within the European Union and in developing countries.

CIES works to promote the participation of civil society in a global citizenship dimension and to build sustainable development processes based on peace, respect for human rights and democracy and dialogue between different cultures and religions. It thus combats all forms of racism, discrimination, xenophobia and social exclusion.

CIES Onlus is also specialized in socio-economic inclusion programs dedicated to displaced people in international and local contexts. In particular, the Department of Training and Labour Orientation (SOFeL) of CIES Onlus aims to increase the employability and social and economic inclusion of young people, unemployed and women, in Italy and abroad.

What is the added value of CIES Onlus?

  • The need to follow ways to rebalance the serious gaps in wealth and resources that separate the poor and rich parts of the world;
  • the right of all citizens to participate and contribute to the processes of sustainable social, economic and cultural development;
  • the belief that development is real if it is based on peace, respect for human rights and democracy, and the rejection of any racist, sexist or religious discrimination;
  • the fight against all forms of racism, discrimination and xenophobia and the promotion of dialogue between different cultures and religions;
  • attention to the role of women as central actors in any strategy of development and active citizenship;
  • the importance of the participation of all citizens, particularly young people, political and social forces, public and private bodies and public opinion more generally in activities of solidarity, cooperation, sustainable development, environmental protection and active citizenship;
  • the need to develop the widest possible reflection and debate in contemporary society on development, interculturality, globality, active citizenship, ethical finance, fair trade and other related issues.

In the next Newsletter, you will be able to know more about Pinardi, Federaci ón de Plataformas Sociales!

Find out more about our project in the media channels LIME Project and follow our actions for the social and labour integration of migrants!
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The applications for the routes on the SELF-ENTREPRENEURSHIP are open!

20th December 2019
There is still time until January 17th 2020 to apply for the LIME business start up training for people with refugee status, subsidiary protection holders, asylum seekers or former unaccompanied minors. If you are between 18 and 29 years old (no age limit for women) send an email with your CV to indicating: name, date of birth and gender, level of Italian language, country of origin and legal status.
To learn more

Empowerment and life skills workshop

12th December 2019
"We are here to connect the past and the present to build our future" - CIES met the boys and girls involved in the LIME project - Labour Integration for Migrants' Employment, to discuss the issues of self-knowledge and invisible but strategic skills to plan their professional future.
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The first part of the training course is over!

1st December 2019
With the simulation of a job interview and a discussion between the participants, the first part of the training course of the LIME project, dedicated to the information and activation of the beneficiaries, ended.
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The First Coordination Meeting - the LIME Partners in Madrid!

29th October 2019
The seven partners of the LIME project from Italy, France and Spain met in Madrid on 21 and 22 October 2019 in their first Coordination Committee Meeting and Pilot Actions Board. The aim was to analyse together the main points of the project, discuss the results achieved so far and the future steps.
To learn more

The LIME project and the role of the Cluster for the socio-economic inclusion of migrants

4th October 2019
On the 25th September 2019 with the presence of more than 12 organizations and associations of the third sector active in the area of Rome, the event "The LIME project and the role of the cluster for the socio-economic inclusion of migrants" was held. The day ended with the presentation of the Manifesto for a participatory and widespread socio-economic integration of migrant people that will commit the signatories to activate processes of social responsibility in the territory.
To learn more

First meeting with the young people selected for the on-the-job training and business start-up paths of the LIME project

25th September 2019
On September 20th the first meeting with the young people selected for the on-the-job training and business start-up paths of the LIME project was held, which will start on October 7th. The course includes training on active labour policies and the drafting of a personalized intervention plan.
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First Refuge Professional Experience

3rd September 2019
From mid-June to July 31, a total of 7 young applicants for international protection participated in the training process "First Refuge Professional Experience", developed by Pinardi and the Guarani Association, to improve their technical vocabulary specialized in cooking, workshops on Spanish culture and notions about the situation of the labour market in Spain.
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The selections of the participants in the LIME project are proceeding

8th August 2019
The information workshop on active labour policies in the Lazio Region, is the first step of the wider training path in which participants will be involved and that will lead them to the preparation of a Personalized Intervention Plan (PIP) for job placement through the activation of training on the job/apprenticeship or business start-up.
To learn more

Get inspired!


The study, published in the Lancet Global Health newspaper, showed that guided self-help intervention reduces the psychological distress of refugees and improves well-being in humanitarian crises. The first evidence of its kind proved that this intervention can be provided quickly to a large number of people in low resource-intensive humanitarian settings by non-specialists with minimal training. Read the article to learn more!

Would you like a clearer picture of immigration statistics? Take a look at the Migration Data Portal, an interesting tool that aims to serve as a single point of access to timely and comprehensive migration statistics and reliable information on migration data at a global level.

For further information, please visit the website
or contact the Project Manager, Antonella Sgobbo -
This newsletter has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union thanks to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of DG Home. The contents of the newsletter are the sole responsibility of the LIME Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
Set preferred language: English - Italiano - Español
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