LIME Project: the first part of the training course ended
With the simulation of a job interview and a discussion among the participants, the first part of the training course of the LIME project, dedicated to the information and activation of the beneficiaries, ended.
The course lasted about two months, held at the Borgo dei Ragazzi Don Bosco, gave the first group of participants the opportunity to get to know each other and to discover the opportunities offered by the Lazio Region in the field of active labor policies.
During the training days, the themes related to the professional profiles required and the skills needed in the labor market were explored, themes that will be developed from the month of December as part of the specific course on Transversal Competencies and the Skills Analysis.
Thanks to this first activity, a stable and highly motivated group of young girls and boys from 7 countries was formed, ready to commit themselves with all their experience in building their professional future.