Newsletter #7

LIME Newsletter
Issue #7 - May 2021

Dear readers,

Welcome to the 7th e-newsletter of the LIME - Labour Integration for Migrants’ Employment project! There is only 1 month left before the end of the LIME project and so far we are very enthusiastic and proud of our achievements to ensure a swift inclusion of young migrants in the labour market!

Do not miss what will happen in the next and last intense weeks of the project! Take a look at this newsletter to learn more about the next steps and what the LIME Consortium is up to!

Enjoy your reading,
LIME Consortium

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the future."
This sentence by C. S. Lewis expresses the essence of our LIME project which sees the collaboration of a varied group of motivated and experienced Italian and Spanish partners.
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LIME’s latest news

Three online Capacity Building Workshops

Since March 2021, the LIME project has launched several events that have been a great success so far! Already three online capacity building workshops were held:

  • the 17th of March on the French case;
  • the 21st of April on the Spanish case,
  • and the 19th of May on the Italian case.

In total, these three webinars gathered more than 100 participants as well as numerous experts and panelists from all over Europe. The LIME project and the Migrants’ Economic Integration Cluster (MEIC) methodology were introduced to the audience, as well as a presentation of the needs and interventions to be addressed regarding the migrants’ labour inclusion. The diversity of speakers made the discussion very interesting and enlightening; we welcomed experts in labour inclusion, job counsellors, project managers, researchers, institutional actors, employers, etc.

The aim of these workshops was to present relevant projects and interventions implemented in the field of migrants’ labour inclusion in the country targeted and to discuss models of intervention concerning the activation of networks and clusters of public and private sectors. Through the workshops, the LIME consortium aimed to mobilize key actors to apply the MEIC methodology all over Europe, enhance capacities of key actors in terms of TCNs' labour market integration, raise awareness among stakeholders and institutions on TCNs' labour market integration and MEIC methodology.
We would like to thank again all the attendees and panelists for their valued participation in our workshops, as a matter of fact, we could count on a very active participation from the participants who shared their experience on the fields and had a strong impact for the well implementation of the workshops!

Webinar Employers Together for Integration

In the framework of the European Commission initiative “Employers Together for Integration”, the LIME project also organised on the 5th of May a webinar entitled “Employers Together for Integration - Concrete examples of employers who stood up for migrants’ labour inclusion”. Following on from an Open call to collect employers’ good practices dedicated to support the inclusion of migrants into the labour market, the webinar presented these initiatives and practices from the field through the presentation of three key examples:

  • La Fabrique Nomade, founded by Inès Mesmar.
  • We Exist, founded by Obada Otabashi.
  • Colorivivi, founded by Barbara Spezini

They all insisted on the fact that migrants should not be limited by this status, but should first be considered as people with great skills and job potential, in a broad variety of fields, who can share and teach us their specific knowledge. Even though the webinar was very encouraging and positive, it was also a time to discuss the main challenges and obstacles faced by employers who want to stand up for migrants’ labour inclusion. Participants and panelists could share their experiences and knowledge about it and the main difficulty pointed out was financing and finding sufficient resources to develop and maintain social enterprises.

Afterwards, the best practices of job inclusion will be collected and gathered in a report to share this knowledge among a broader audience!

LIME Consortium

This month, the LIME Consortium met collectively online for its fourth coordination meeting on the 27th of May. Together, the partners discussed the last activities of the project which will soon come to an end, in June 2021. This meeting was also the opportunity to highlight the achievements and the results of the project. Thereby, the lead partner CIES Onlus reported on the monitoring of the activities and the step forward for the final report. Afterwards, LUMSA University presented the final results of the research for the elaboration of the MEIC - Migrant Economic Integration Cluster methodology. They focused more particularly on the final evaluation of the two pilot projects’ actions in Rome and Madrid. ALDA - the European Association for Local Democracy then presented the last communication products as well as the next online events of the LIME project. In conclusion, we can say that the LIME project has gone a long way, and the last month of June promises to be intense and enthralling!

What are the next steps?

There are still two more online events before the end of the project!

What will happen in these last weeks of the project? Following the previous online Capacity Building Workshops, the LIME project will organise two more events at an international scale.
Therefore you can already take note of the two following dates:

  • the 9th of June 2021, on which will occur the “International Capacity Building Workshop” during which the LIME consortium will discuss models of intervention in migrants job inclusion concerning the activation of networks and clusters of public and private sectors at European level. Registration open here
  • and the 21th of June 2021 for the Final conference of the LIME project, which will present the results of the project. Registration open here

These two webinars will be the opportunity to gather a wide range of actors from many different countries, and share together all the knowledge which has been collected during the project.

Creation of material to disseminate the project and raise awareness on migrant’s labour inclusion

The LIME project is currently working on creating several contents that will be very useful to keep on spreading the MEIC methodology and the knowledge of the LIME project after June, as well as raising awareness on migrants’ labour inclusion.

Soon, the project will release 3 videos dealing with the project itself and the interviews of its beneficiaries too. We are also creating a comic which is focusing on a successful story of third country nationals and his/her integration path.

We are looking forward to sharing this content with you, stay tuned!

What is the Confcooperative Roma - Confederazione Cooperative Italiane?

The Confederazione Cooperative Italiane is the largest part of the Italian co-operative movement. It was established first in 1919, and re-established on a new basis in 1945 after its dissolution by the Fascist Government. In 1947, co-operation and its social function received the official acknowledgement by the Italian State in art. 45 of the Italian Constitution and Confcooperative itself was acknowledged as a primary national association representing, assisting, protecting and auditing the co-operative movement.

Confcooperative is the main organisation representing, assisting, protecting and supervising the Italian cooperative movement and social enterprises. Its members are 18,500 cooperatives, with over 3.2 million members and 525,000 employees.

The sectoral organisation of Confcooperative is divided into 8 national federations

  • Confcooperative consumers
  • Confcooperative culture, tourism, sport;
  • Confcooperative Solidarity
  • Confcooperative Agriculture and Fisheries;
  • Confcooperative Habitat;
  • Confcooperative work and services;
  • Confcooperative health;
  • Federcasse

Confcooperative participates and animates the life of the main international cooperation organisations (ICA and Cooperatives Europe) and has its own representative office in Brussels dedicated to relations with the European Union.

Confcooperative - Unione Metropolitana di Roma is the territorial structure of the Confederazione Cooperative Italiane, the national association of cooperatives committed to building a fairer and more supportive society, according to the principles of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

Confcooperative Roma, is inspired by the cooperative principles, because of the constitutionally recognized social function (art. 45) of cooperation, it promotes the development, growth and dissemination through the most appropriate actions in practice.

Confcooperative Roma represents 865 associated cooperatives with an aggregate turnover of more than 1,900 million Euros, 92,000 members and 29,500 employed workers.

Confcooperative Roma, in order to represent and protect the territorial co-operatives in a way that is more responsive to the needs of the economic and social reality, has the following objectives:

  • Defence of cooperation as a factor of transformation, progress and economic development of social structures and members;
  • Promotion and dissemination of experiences and networking among cooperatives;
  • Development and promotion of new cooperative initiatives in the territory;
  • Dissemination of the ideals of the cooperative movement and the principles of cooperation;
  • Administrative, legal, financial, trade union and technical-economic assistance;
  • Training of members through specific growth paths.

What is the added value of Confcooperative - Confederazione Cooperative Italiane?

Confcooperative plays an important role in assisting and representing cooperatives and social enterprises, in particular:

  • Elaborates and defines development lines and programmes for business sectors;
  • It handles relations with institutions;
  • It assists its associates on a trade union, legal, legislative, technical, organisational, financial and credit level;
  • It promotes cooperatives;
  • It promotes the training of members and workers;
  • It promotes networking among members;
  • It provides assistance in the creation of new cooperative enterprises;
  • It provides services for the management and development of cooperative enterprises;
  • It carries out supervisory activities through the instrument of cooperative auditing, carried out for its members directly by Confcooperative by delegation of the Ministry of Productive Activities.
Find out more about our project in the media channels of the LIME project and follow our actions for the social and working integration of migrants.
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Coordination mechanisms in the field of migrants’ labour integration: the Italian experience

On the 19th of May, the LIME project held its 3rd Capacity Building Workshop focusing on the Italian case. The online webinar gathered 61 participants mainly from Italy, and therefore was a big step towards the creation and activation of cluster networks in this country – and especially in Rome.
To learn more

World Day for Cultural Diversity: 3 cities, 3 people, 3 different stories!

The idea that diversity is an opportunity to be seized is the motto that has characterized the stories of our last 3 guests: Obada Otabashi, Inès Mesmar and Barbara Spezini, who took part of the webinar organized in the framework of the LIME project held on 5th May 2021 – Employers Together for Integration.
To learn more


The 3rd capacity building workshop of the LIME project will be held online on the 19th of May, from 9h30 to 13h30 CEST. This time, the LIME project 3rd workshop “Migrants’ labour inclusion: Activation of network and cluster ” will focus on Italy.
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The Webinar “Employers Together for Integration” on the 5th of May was a success!

On the 5th of May, the LIME project held its webinar “Employers together for integration – Concrete examples of employers who stood up for migrants’ labour inclusion” and welcomed 3 speakers and 40 participants to talk about good practices dedicated to improve the inclusion of migrants into the labour market.
To learn more

EMPLOYERS TOGETHER FOR INTEGRATION! Save the date and register to the 3rd Webinar of the LIME project on the 5th of May 2021!

The LIME project will host on the 5th of May from 15h00 to 16h30 CEST its webinar “Employers Together for Integration – Concrete examples of employers who stood up for migrants’ labour inclusion”. The webinar is therefore conceived to present employers’ good practices dedicated to support the inclusion of migrants in the labour market. In the end, the good practices presented will be published in a report to share this precious knowledge with a broader audience.
To learn more

The 2nd online Capacity Building Workshop - Spanish Case Study

On the 21st of April, the LIME project held its 2nd online Capacity Building Workshop “Migrants Labour Inclusion: Activation of Network and Cluster” to discuss the integration of young migrants into the labour market, focusing on the Spanish case this time.
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OPEN CALL - Employers Together for Integration

The LIME project has launched an open call to collect good practices implemented by employers and dedicated to support the inclusion of migrants in the labour market. The employers who will be selected will have the opportunity to present their good practices during the webinar “Employers Together for Integration” on the 5th of May, as well as to see them being published in a report.
To learn more

Save the Date! Register for the 2nd Capacity Building Workshop of the LIME project on the 21st of April!

The LIME project is organising its 2nd capacity building workshop “MIGRANTS’ LABOUR INCLUSION: ACTIVATION OF NETWORK AND CLUSTER – The Spanish Case Study” on the 21st of April from 9:30 to 13:30 CEST. This 2nd workshop session is conceived to present relevant methodology of intervention implemented in the field of migrants’ labour inclusion, focusing more particularly about Spain.
To learn more

Get inspired!

Get inspired by the stories, the initiatives and the strengths of 3 different people from 3 different cities: Obada Otabashi, Inès Mesmar and Barbara Spezini, who took part of the webinar organized in the framework of the LIME project held on 5th May 2021 - Employers Together for Integration.
In Brussels, a restaurant has recently reopened: we are talking about We Exist, the association of Obada Otabashi, a young, smiling and dynamic Syrian guy. This restaurant is the result of an incredible journey, during which Obada had to overcome several obstacles due to his differente culture and nationality. Finding a job in Belgium was a difficult step for him, but instead of staying stuck in this impasse, Obada broke through the wall and made his own path by creating his own job. While his differences may have been a hindrance during his job’ research, Obada decided that it would later become his strength and the driving force of his new project. Therefore We Exist was born from this desire to bring together Oriental and European cultures through catering. This restaurant, runs by Syrians, aims to facilitate access to the labour market for people who fled conflict and persecution. Through their catering services, they also want to highlight the richness of our diversity and multiculturalism.
This will to take into consideration all the cultures that surround us and to highlight them is also the motivation which underlies the project of Inès Mesmar, a French woman who recently created her association La Fabrique Nomade. Based in Paris, her association works for the professional inclusion of migrants and refugees craftspersons in France, by adapting their know-how and skills to the French market. Inès Mesmar embarked on this adventure when she learned that her Tunisian mother used to be an embroiderer in the medina and had to put aside her trade when she arrived in France. Therefore, Inès wanted to give the different cultures and types of crafts their rightful place in the French society, by promoting the diversity of creations and know-how of migrants. According to her, the French designers of the association have as much to learn as the migrants, and the work is done as a team, by sharing and learning from both ways. Each year, La Fabrique Nomade presents unique collections of handicrafts that are the perfect representations of the beauty of diversity and the opportunity represented by difference of cultures.
And this showcase of diversity flies from Paris to Turin, in Italy, where Barbara Spezini lives and runs her social enterprise Colorivivi. There, through sewing and fashion, Barbara strives to give the creative products of migrant women their rightful place. Not only does this initiative allow women to become more professional and independent, but it also allows Colorivivi to create collections that embrace the diversity of cultures and skills of people from all walks of life. Barbara tells how the whole process of creation takes into account the opinion of these women and thus leaves a full place for diversity and acceptance.

Thereby, through catering, fashion and crafts, these three protagonists have given diversity and cultures the place they deserve. Making their difficulties their new strength, they have created in Brussels, Paris and Turin, unique places of sharing that are essential to make our society a more inclusive place.

Would you like to know more about these three stories? Have a look at their following websites and get inspired!

– We Exist
– La Fabrique Nomade
– Colorivivi

For further information, please visit the website
or contact the Project Manager, Anna Saluzzi -
This newsletter has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union thanks to the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of DG Home. The contents of the newsletter are the sole responsibility of the LIME Consortium and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
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